Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Heterosexual Questionnaire

Sometimes lately, too often, the efforts of the homosexual lobby, the LGBT crowd, to attract America’s young people to their twisted lifestyle becomes too blatant to be ignored. Such is the planned Day of Silence/Day of Seduction set for 10 days from now, April 17th, in Massachusetts schools and, organizers say, in hundreds of other American elementary and high schools. For details, see http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=931.

The gay movement seems to be picking up a great head of steam since Obama’s election as they mobilize in courts, legislatures, streets, and schools to win over the public to universal acceptance of its agenda. The most liberal president in America’s history has made it vividly clear that their agenda is his agenda.

As with most radical movements, in their fervor and haste to conquer the public’s mind and soul, they overstep, exceed limits, and betray their essential mindset that they believe most people are too stupid to notice their machinations. A prime example is the website, http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/.

Ostensibly, “advocates for youth,” in actuality it is as much a vehicle for the seduction and recruitment of normal young people as it functions as a support group for gay teens.

Where it most obviously shows its intent is in a poorly-constructed “heterosexual questionnaire.” The questions try to steer youths toward favoring and adopting homosexuality but are so laughably biased in that direction that it is a virtual parody of itself, replete with distortions, false assumptions, twisted facts, and outright lies.

Below is that questionnaire, intended to serve as a lesson plan for teachers. I took the opportunitity to supplement it with editorial commentary to set the record straight: http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/lessonplans/heterosexual2.htm

What do you think caused your heterosexuality? (Suggestion: It’s some kind of genetic flaw or disease which, given some effort, could be cured.)

When and how did you first decide you were heterosexual? (Suggestion: It’s a decision heterosexuals make, in contrast to homosexuals who insist they are born that way.)

Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of? (Suggestion: This too will pass, like biting your nails or twitching.) ...

(READ THE REST at http://genelalor.com/)

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