Thursday, April 2, 2009

John Rich, Rebel With A Cause

I’m not a big aficionado of country and western music nor of country singer, John Rich, but his new hit single is worth a listen if you’re as angry as he is over Washington’s efforts to bankrupt the nation.

It’s worth a listen if you believe that the CEO of Merrill Lynch using taxpayer bailout money to buy a $38,000. toilet is an incredible wasteful use of our money during an awful economy.

It’s worth a listen if you’re angry that this and other monumental waste is going on when people are being thrown out of work and thrown out of their homes and as workers and retireees watch their nesteggs go round and round, heading down that CEO’s toilet.

If you believe that the D.C. shenanigans are “absolute nonsense” and reflect “a lack of reality and a lack of respect for American taxpayers” and if you further believe that the “long-term effects of spending trillions and trillions of [our] grandkids’ dollars [isn’t] worth the short-term blackjack move that [President Obama’s] making to stimulate our economy right now?” you should appreciate, “Shuttin’ Detroit Down.”

For background on John Rich and his music see the source of those John Rich quotations,|htmlws-main-t2|dl5|link4|

To hear John Rich sing “Shuttin’ Detroit Down,” click here

For the lyrics, click here

For an opportunity to voice your anger over the sorry state of affairs in 2009 America, call your congressman and senators; names and numbers should be in your phone books. You may even want to leave a message for Obama at the White House switchboard, (202) 456-1414,(202) 456-2461, so that when he gets back from his European Grand Tour after wowing his fans and wooing heads of state, he may get a reality check from the hometown folk.

For some personal and family consolation during these very trying times, try praying.


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