Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You Go, Blago!

You Go, Blago!

I’ve gotten to like semi-deposed Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich.

No, I’m not mentally deranged, I don’t think. Nor am I of Serbian extraction as the mop-haired ex-gov is. Nor do I suggest he’s innocent of any charges against him, although he’s not been charged with any; after all, the guy is from Illinois, home state of the most corrupt town in the country, if not on the planet, so he has to be guilty of everything.

And, yes, I’m up to here with 24/7 Blago news as much as I am with Madoff news and Britney news. But, I’ve come to like Rod’s overall style, if not his hairstyle–and how this Chicago-born Democrat has been sticking it to his fellow Dems far and wide.

I furthermore believe that he’s not a “cuckoo,” as Mayor Daley II has called him twice, the same mayor who supported him twice for the governorship and with whom he palled around and with whom he sat on numberless daises, etc. I think also that Rod has a couple tricks still up his well-tailored sleeve as well as a plan to keep himself out of the hoosegow. He may have risen from humble roots, but he seems to have a grand exit plan.

True, he’s brash, obnoxious, foul-mouthed, sleazy, greedy, and glib, all of which are standard attributes for Illinois political success. He also seems supremely confident for some reason and for that reason, the Powers-that-be in Illinois and Chicago are determined to bring him down. I think those Powers are mightily afraid of what Blago knows and aware that he has no compunctions about spilling all he knows.

Let’s look at the record, as the venerable former New York Governor Al Smith used to say, not Blagojevich’s record in Springfield but the record since December 9th when what he has termed his personal Pearl Harbor began.

The poor guy was rousted from the warm bed he shares with the equally-greedy and equally-foul-mouthed Mrs. Patricia B. on that cold December morning in 2008, barely a month after Barack Obama’s election as president. With his two young kids, hopefully, still sleeping at 6:15 a.m, ...

(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)

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