Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Teen Sexing Via Texting


As if today’s parents didn’t have enough to worry about, the latest method teens have to drive them loony and send them to counselling or to Tough Love sessions is sending nudie pictures of themselves to girlfriends, boyfriends, classmates, in fact, to the internet universe, although they may be unaware of that last exposure.

Using cell phones while driving and texting while driving are madnesses associated with somewhat older teens who, for some inexplicable reasons, including having passed useless driver ed courses, are granted license to drive on America’s roads and highways.

The younger set, maybe a year or so away from that opportunity to cause vehicular mayhem and, too often, death or maiming to themselves and innocent victims, have discovered their own vehicle of rebellion via cell phones.

Kids between aged one and eighteen have never been known for discretion. Some would say that outside age limit extends to thirty, in some cases. Way back when, teenie indiscretions meant wearing lipstick and makeup and “making out” under the grandstand at high school football games. Closer “back when’s” involved more intimate behavior but still was conduct confined to one, or two, or a few significant others.

For the past year or so, based on news reports, young teens have been letting their raging hormones soar to new, and perilous, heights, letting it all hang out, figuratively and literally.

From Cincinnati comes this story. . .

(Read the rest of this article at

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