Friday, January 23, 2009

Meet the Press--Obama Style


President Barack Hussein Transparency Obama,who had promised a “a new level of transparency” in public life is rapidly retreating to a new level of opaqueness within all of three days into his four year reign.

For those maleducated in American public schools, the word “transparency” in a political context means clarity, openness, honesty, candidness, and visibility as opposed to deceit, artfulness, concealment, secrecy, and opaqueness.

Why anyone would expect Obama to follow through on a pledge of transparency when his entire campaign, from questionable fund raising to his smarmy associations was cloaked in subterfuge and deception is beyond me but a majority of voters still bought into his baloney and voted for the guy.

Go figure but the baloney won’t last the test of time until 2012.

You can take a politician out of Chicago but you can’t take the seamy world of Chicago intrigue and crime out of the politician. Of all Obama’s camp followers, the mainstream media, the MSM, is the first that’s quickly coming to realize that the man is not what he seemed. More precisely, the man is all that he seemed to objective critics, though not to his media lapdogs and therein lay the shocker to them. That media, which never bothered to vet him or insist he serve some meat with his political pap, may be coming to realize he is the ultimate charlatan.

BHM may have been able to fool a press more than willing to be fooled but when he starts messing with their bread and butter, accessibility, the White House Press Corps tends to get downright ornery.

And he has begun messing with that accessibility.

Way back in November, 2007, when Barack Obama was still a “presidential hopeful,” the transparency issue had raised its ugly head with regard to his fund raising secretiveness: That should have been a tipoff but the MSM never ran with it. Lapdogs by definition don’t run with much.

Media-types are somewhat less than pleased when they feel shut out. White House media-types can become all but rabid but instead of frothing in public, they tend to politely vent and save their foamy mouths for more intimate venues and circumstances, such as over a martini at The Reliable Source Bar at the National Press Club in D.C.

They vented at Robert Gibbs,...

(Read the rest of this article at

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