Tuesday, January 13, 2009

GWB, Waterboarding, and America's Future


And so the end is near for George W. Bush’s two terms as President of the United States, after eight years of uneasy peace and bloody war, of unprecedented economic success and financial meltdown, of consolations and controversies, of applause and derision.

All in all, and regardless of distorted and biased reports from the liberal mass media, Bush 2 hasn’t had all that bad a run.

Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard listed Bush’s ten greatest achievements, citing as his first accomplishment his refusal to buy into the Kyoto Accords on the man-made global warming fraud, a policy which our new president will no doubt reverse to the great detriment of the United States. That Bush decision must be considered a very notable if only temporary accomplishment because of that anticipated reversal.

However, Bush’s second great success, according to Barnes’ estimation, should be at the top of any list of GWB’s great deeds.

As Barnes writes of Bush’s second great achievement, ”Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We’ll never know. But, as Charles Krauthammer said recently, ‘Those are precisely the elements which kept us safe and which have prevented a second attack.’ " (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/986rockt.asp).

One of the few who were subjected to waterboarding was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, “mastermind” of 9/11, . . .

(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)

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