Sunday, January 11, 2009



In this corner, the contender weighing in at 135 pounds out of New York City, Anorexic Ann Coulter! . . . In the far corner weighing in at 152 out of the Windy City, Mighty Michelle Obama! . . . Now, shake hands, ladies, and have a good fight!

The Coulter-Obama drama hasn’t quite come to fisticuffs, at least not yet, but if it ever did, I’d have to give the edge to Michelle. If it came to a no-holds-barred debate, I’d go with the feistiest and more acerbic, Ann. If it came down to mud wrestling, I’d bet on a draw.

Ann is on a tear lately–as if she’s never on a tear–with her latest book, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and their Assault on America. How she and others, liberals and conservatives, regularly churn out lengthy, researched volumes is mystifying to me, but they do and Coulter does it best when it comes to piercing the liberal jugular and making them yelp.

In her latest, Ann takes aim at, among other liberal targets and icons, the soon-to-be First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Robinson Obama. Never one to pull her punches–Coulter has been called a flame thrower, a bomb thrower, and a dervish as well as being the object of uncomplimentary epithets–Ol’ Annie is taking on a formidable foe this time.

Calling a spade a spade, which term has no racial implications, certain topics in these, the free and semi-independent United States, have been tacitly declared off limits by the powers of political correctness. Those topics would include casting aspersions, whatever their merits, on the state of Israel, on homosexuals, and on Blacks.

It’s still perfectly PC-fine to rip Christianity and, especially Catholicism, to criticize straights who find the gay lifestyle sick and disturbing, and to attack those who point out the extent of Black crime. We of the faithful opposition say bunk to all that! All religions and nations, peoples, and races are flawed. We take issue with the current antipathy in some quarters to Christianity, to America, and to Caucasians.

We are not the religious bigots, the straight bigots, nor the racial bigots. We just demand that our voices be heard in an increasingly liberal, leftist America. If our opposition is interpreted as prejudiced or homophobic or racist, then so be it. Sooner be regarded as bigots by the true agents of bigotry than be regarded as the generation that surrendered to the forces of the actual bigotry and intolerance and to national and moral degradation.

White, Christian, heterosexuals are fed up with all that and we want, we demand as the majority constituency in America, that it be rectified.

Ann Coulter does not accuse Michelle Obama of any of the above nastiness,...

(Read the rest of this article at

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