Sunday, January 4, 2009


No one can ever accuse the government of the United States of having an excess of either intelligence or discretion.

The World Trade Center hasn’t even been rebuilt, in fact it’s far from being re-built, yet our State Department in 2008 extended invites to 3400 residents of nations deemed state sponsors of terrorism to come on in!

Out of a total of 50,000, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Sudan have been allotted thousands of what are called “diversity visas” furnished to nations with low immigration numbers so that they can beef up their emigration to America. The program was mandated by our Congress and implemented by our Foggy Bottomites:

Nowadays, it’s considered un-American to question the value of further diversification of our population despite any number of studies, and common sense, that indicate such programs are counterproductive and serve to undermine our national integrity.

Whether termed diversity or by its companion buzzword, multiculturalism, the idealistic concept and its implementation have been shown to function not as an enhancement of our melting pot of peoples but rather as a divisive construct, the effects of which is a balkanization into enclaves of foreigners who speak a language other than English and continue foreign practices, traditions, and cultures rather than seeking absorption into our general population.

See this analysis, “The Absurdity of Multiculturalism,” by Ralph S Musgrave, author and social commentator,

Writing principally for a U.K. audience, he thoroughly debunks the fatuous, and perilous, underpinnings of a theory much in vogue today but which actually serves to divide, not simply to diversify:

We are a nation built on immigration and we need to grow if we are to maintain a viable workforce and our international preeminence but, as Musgrave clearly demonstrates, too many of today’s new arrivals have little interest in becoming a part of their host nations. In America, too few have any interest in becoming part of our monoculture, without which we will devolve into chaos.

That said, an even faster route to devolution is these relatively new diversity visas. It’s one thing to foster new immigration from Canada or Western Europe, at least until those nations are overrun by the forces of Islam. It’s quite another to invite citizens of designated terrorist nations to flock to our shores, take up residence, and possibly to conspire and damage our nation.

There is little empirical data that specifically proves that “diversity visas” have contributed to domestic terrorist activities but a continued influx of immigrants from nations that are known to have engaged in worldwide terror is an obviously senseless national policy. The Cubans, Iranians, Syrians, and Sudanese who settle in the United States may very well be outstanding people but why, a mere seven years after the horror that was 9/11, are we inviting potential problems?

The notorious “Fort Dix Six” are cases in point of the dangers of over-multiculturalization. Six Islamic terrorists/illegal aliens/immigrants, were apprehended and tried for plotting to slaughter soldiers at New Jersey’s Fort Dix military base. Five were found guilty, one plea-bargained out, all were Eastern European Muslims allowed entry to the country by our lax immigration policies and even more lax immigration enforcement:

Their conspiracy may have succeeded if not for an alert store clerk and provisions of the Patriot Act which allowed the FBI to surveil and ultimately to arrest and successfully prosecute the conspirators.

The primary proponents of multicultural diversity, liberal Democrats, despise that same “discriminatory,” “invasive,” and “un-American” Patriot Act. The accompanying video on the above GatewayPundit link, features Democrat Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid bragging, “We killed the Patriot Act.”

The beautiful Lady in the Harbor, the Statue of Liberty, has, for more than a century, extended a welcome to immigrants to America, a welcome unprecedented for any nation on Planet Earth:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I suggest that when those tired, poor, huddled, homeless, wretched, tempest-tost masses become a dangerous and retrogressive diversification, even Lady Liberty should lower her lamp and say, “Enough is enough! Slam that golden door shut!”

It’s time to close our borders while we still have borders and before the next Muhammed Atta sets up shop here.

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