Thursday, January 15, 2009

Abortionist Joy over Obama

Abortionists Must Be Delirious with Joy over Obama Prospects

I can’t say I’ve ever met a happy leftist nor a happy pro-abortionist. Of course, those categories invariably overlap since I’ve never met a leftist who wasn’t pro-abortion and vice versa.

It’s understandable that those of a leftist bent are rarely if ever happy people considering that their entire social/political philosophy revolves around negatives: anti-Americanism, anti-freedom, anti-truth, and anti-life. They are adept at feigning happiness but fail to fool anyone, especially themselves.

Those most committed to abortion rights, aka committed to destroying pre-born life, are easily the most miserable lefties. Yet, they don’t know it. The women of the left have killed untold numbers of their own pre-born children and many, such as Whoopi Goldberg, are astoundingly proud of their actions.

Whoopi is a star in Abortion World. She not only has aborted six of her babies but is so stinking proud of that dubious achievement that she wants reverence for the leftist sacrament that is abortion:

With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, however, the pro-aborts have many valid reasons for elation,. . .

(Read the rest of this article at

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