Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gays and Polls

Something Is Amok with the (Florida)

Less than 3 months after Florida voters resoundingly defeated gay marriage in the Sunshine State comes this item from “Let Gays Marry, Adopt, Have Civil Unions, Most Floridians Say [emphasis added]:,0,76194.story.

That emphasis was added due to the content of the article which goes on to say, according to a Quinnipiac poll, that 27-35% of all surveyed voters endorsed all those demands of the LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered community.

First and foremost, even 35% can hardly be construed as constituting most Floridians, unless there’s some new math out there which equates one-third with a majority.

Secondly, there must have been a mass upheaval over a very short timespan in the thinking of Floridians regarding gay adoption if, again according to Quinnipiac and, 55% now oppose the state law prohibiting such adoptions. (Older, Republican, poorer, and less educated voters are said to be the bigoted culprits who still believe in traditional morality.)

Of course, depending on the poll-takers and the wording of poll questions, any poll can be skewed and that could explain Quinnipiac’s results but nothing can explain’s interpreting and reporting that a minority of Floridians means “most Floridians say.”

My personal suspicion is that an LGBT constituent is the headline writer for the Sun Sentinel.

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