Sunday, January 25, 2009

Abortion's Ugly Realities

Abortion in America: A Grisly Reality

As the ardently pro-abortionist President Obama plots to end any and all restrictions on the practice of aborting pre-born babies in the United States and to fund abortions worldwide, it’s time to review the issue. It would be in America's interest for Obama to do the same.

Fifty years ago in our country, the word “abortion,” if not unheard of, was rarely uttered in polite society, much like but more emotionally charged than the use of the F-word or even the N-word are today. But times have changed and as the old Virginia Slims cigarette commercial enticed women, “You’ve come a long way, Baby!”And that they have, for better or worse.

It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the reasons for that change as it relates to what is now called reproductive rights other than to mention the obvious, namely the development of the women’s rights movement, women’s liberation, which not coincidentally sprouted around the same time that agitation for legalized abortion began.

A significant and deadly right claimed by the bra-burning demonstrators of the 1960’s was the right to destroy their pre-born “products of conception” Today, that right has become so ingrained in the American psyche that the act itself is almost commonplace.

Originally, pro-abortionists readily, if not proudly, accepted that label until the rise of the Pro-life movement and the realization of Americans’ general feeling of repugnance at the thought of what an abortion involved. It was then that pro-abortionists resorted to the euphemistic label of “pro-choice” to describe themselves and their position.

The Pro-choice movement, however, never took into consideration a choice that should have been the right of the most innocent party in an abortion, namely the pre-born child’s. That tiny being was denied personhood by the highest court in the land in 1973 in its most capricious and far-reaching decision since Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857. One main difference is that Roe v. Wade had much deadlier consequences for what lawyers call the party of the first part, the baby, who not only was denied personhood but literally had no voice in the matter and ultimately was denied life itself.

One principal reason offered for legalizing abortion was to save women from the horrors of so-called “back alley abortions,” which rarely...

(Read the rest of this article at

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