Monday, January 19, 2009

Forrest Gump Attacks Mormons on Prop 8

I confess that I don’t know an awful lot about Mormons aside from the fact most of them live in Utah and, except for small bands of renegades, they gave up believing in polygamy over a century ago.

I’m not even certain they were ever true polygamists since by definition that word refers to the practice of having more than one spouse and, as far as I know, Mormon women weren’t permitted multiple husbands although the men folk could have as many wives as they could handle without the question of bigamy or trigamy entering the picture.

Personally, I think one wife is more than sufficient but that’s not the issue. I do agree with a Dutch proverb which holds, To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness.

Point is, if Mormonism didn’t permit women to wed and bed more than one hubby, were Mormons ever true polygamists? I feel there should be a better term since polyandry, if not strictly forbidden, was certainly not encouraged.

All that aside, the vast preponderance of Mormons today are married to one spouse. They seem to be a very industrious group as well as clean people, much like President-elect Obama was considered a clean African American by Vice President-elect Joe Biden. They also seem to be very religious people, I’d have to say an offshoot of Christianity but still Christians.

On and prior to November 4th, 2008, they demonstrated that religious fervor by generously funding the drive to pass California’s Proposition 8. That initiative was innocuous enough, a re-affirmation of the obvious, namely that a marriage consists of one male and one female, and not any other combination thereof. In any event, Proposition 8 passed in very left wing California and by a substantial majority which re-affirmed my fervent hope that Americans, and Californians, hadn’t gone totally off the deep end of common sense and of fundamental morality.

That passage, however, infuriated the gay community which was incensed that American citizens had exercised their constitutional prerogative and had endorsed the time-honored principle that a male wedding another male or a female wedding another female, or a guy marrying his pet frog, were distortions and aberrations of the institution of marriage, notwithstanding the views of the State of Massachusetts.

Gays went on a national rampage of protests, intimidation, and violence to show they disagreed with the Californian electorate. The rampage got them nowhere except free water and cupcakes when they demonstrated outside Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.

So, the protests petered out and homosexuals regrouped and probably began planning their next effort to overturn the majority beliefs of Americans in 2010.

At this point, Forrest Gump entered the picture...

(Read the rest of this article at

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