Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Friends

THE INAUGURATION PART IV: What You Won’t Read and See on the MSM

Before we’re all caught up in the heady thrill–and propaganda–of the inauguration and the new administration, some perspective is in order. I’ve seen and read articles that are so effusive over Obama and this Age of Change that I was beginning to wonder if I watched a different inauguration and whether all I know about the true Obama and his Obamaniacs was misconstrued.

Then I regained my senses and realize it is not. (See the 50 or 60 previous articles on him on this site.) I’ve seen the man–and he is just a mortal man, contrary to widely reported information–a man extolled for his countless virtues, his elegance, his unflappable demeanor, even for his handwriting skills by Wolf Blitzer.

However, behind the facade, behind that screen, is simply a man, a flawed man like all of us, and his true skills or lack thereof will be seen even on the world stage soon enough. As of now, barely 24 hours into his reign, he can only be judged by his administrative designations and by his executive orders which suggest he has not fully thought through his decisions, (Gitmo), but will follow through on his planned policies to make free and unfettered abortion the law of the land:

Considering the limitations imposed by a paltry day as opposed to the lengthy four which lie ahead, all we have with which to gain a measure of Obama, (aside from his recorded history, of course), is his friends and his supporters. If in any way we are known by the friends we keep, Obama’s friends give cause for trepidation.

One group of friends, (May we call them FOB for Friends of Barack?), was gathered on the Washington Mall as still-President George W. Bush arrived at the inauguration on Tuesday. I would hope that others in the horde of millions who attended the event were not nearly as disgracefully disrespectful as this contingent:

In the event that video is mysteriously removed from the website of, it depicts a group of blacks hooting, howling, and chanting derisively at Bush. Another video also captured the former president’s helicopter departure:

But, okay, one or two malcontented groups do not an audience make. Then again, those are simply the only groups who have made it to the Big Time.

Another malcontent, ...

(Read the rest of this article at

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