Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Change We Have To Believe In

Recent Change We Have To Believe In

Candidate Barack Hussein Obama’s ambiguous, slick campaign promise of “Change We Can Believe In” had as much substance as George W. Bush’s “Compassionate Conservatism,” Bill Clinton’s “Putting People First,” and Al Gore’s “Prosperity and Progress.”

Of course, slogans are just slogans. Precious little that was compassionate or conservative resulted from Bush’s Democrat-light economic policies, the only people Clinton ever put first were Monica and his other girlfriends, and Gore fortunately never got a chance to strut his version of progress to the American people.

To his credit, Obama has brought change to Washington, more and more radical change than all but his most ardent supporters could have anticipated. Still, he would have been more honest had he campaigned on his socialistic slip of the lip made to Joe the Plumber. He would not have won with the slogan ”Share the Wealth!” but he would have shown some integrity.

Many changes are in progess, though. Reports that food stamp participation on his watch has balooned by 50% certainly prove he is fulfilling that pledge to his constituency.

Obamian foreign policy changes have dominated the news of late principally with regard to Libya where we are now engaged in our third Mideast war which is not really a war but what the White House in a marvel of linguistic distortion terms “a kinetic military action" and not a war.

One more change.

Another dubious but noteworthy change is apparent in America’s Afghanistan real war: Our military has lost 858 soldiers or 60.13 of the total fatalities there since Obama took office twenty six months ago: http://bit.ly/eCLfTG

Maybe he’s actually trying to win that war? Don’t bet on it. Keep in mind, this is Obama.

Something and someone else to keep in mind in this brief look at recent changes in D.C. is the conversion of the Department of Justice under Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder into an agency dedicated and committed to getting even for the long-dead evil of slavery. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4070)

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