Monday, April 4, 2011

The Torpedo Is a Bomb in Detroit

The Torpedo Is a Bomb in Detroit

I hate like hell to concede that Perez Hilton could ever be right about anything but he was on the money when he insinuated that “Charlie Sheen’s: Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option” tour would be a dud.

Even though Rachel Marsden opined on that Charlie should run for president–her reasons for which peculiar suggestion included the facts he is beyond scandal, he hasn’t shot animals from a plane, and that he doesn’t need the job–Mr. Torpedo-Tiger Blood bombed in of all places, Detroit.

See some comments from the morons fans who paid to see Charlie in live action here:

A minute-by-minute account of that Motor City bombing and star-struck Detroiters’ wake-up call that stars implode can be read on Inside TV. Suffice to say, since Saturday night was the tour’s inaugural debacle, its remainder promises to be one pip of a loser, much like Charlie himself.

As seen in the play-by-play account, the Winner clearly demonstrates he’s not insane at all but rather crazy like a fox and a canny actor who is milking his notoriety for all its worth with not a care in the world for presenting a well-staged performance. In fact, he’s not on stage much at all and when he is he rambles incoherently.

A comic nonentity opens the show, Sheen makes a cameo to plead on his behalf, but the pathetic comedian is roundly and literally booed off the stage anyway. The whole mess starts and stops at intervals, is filled with Charlie’s film clips and singers who can’t sing very well, for some reason “two goddesses” swap spit onstage, . . .

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