Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Shyster, Sighster Speaks!
Call Al Gore whatever you want, the Goracle, Algore, Albore, Al-the-Liar, Al-the-Fraud, or any of his other less-than-complimentary nicknames, you have to give him one thing: He’s consistent. He’s like an annoying, dripping faucet and he’s especially consistent in his perfected, exasperated sighing when confronted by a serious question or issue raised by someone who hasn’t signed on to his pre-fabricated, “Inconvenient Lie.”
President Obama’s unofficial, un-designated point man for the global warming/global cooling/climate change scam dredged up a sigh of epic proportions last Friday when rudely asked by a fellow Tennessean, GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn, if he were stuffing his wallet and bank accounts with all his campaigning to save Planet Earth from the planet’s chief predators, humankind:
He seemed positively aghast that anyone would have the sheer effrontery to question his motives, punctuating his righteous defense with his patented, practiced sigh to emphasize his frustration with such dolts.
“Greed, you say! Greed? I give every bloody farthing I extort, ahem, earn from my movie to charity, I’ll have you know, you impudent little bitch!” Well, Gore didn’t exactly say that to Rep. Blackburn but he did say that if she knew him she wouldn’t have asked such an impertinent question. However, those who have been following the Nobel Prize winner’s misrepresentations and machinations for lo, these many years do know him quite well and we can read what’s really going on in that huge, hypocritical head of his.
You can catch his equally huge sigh here and his equally huge indignation here:
He needn’t have been so frustrated. The Democratic congress had his back by virtue or lack of virtue in its dis-invitation to an actual expert on climate change. Lord Christopher Monckton had been prepared to challenge Gore’s thesis that this poor planet of ours is on the threshhold of an unspeakably catastrophic, cataclysmic, and really bad calamity due to cow farting but mostly due to Earthlings’ nasty habits of eating, manufacturing, consuming, and accomplishing in order to survive and thrive.
“Oh, no, you don’t, Monckie!” congressional Dems blustered. “You’re not going to expose and humiliate our Goracle with evidence that he’s a shamster and undermine all our efforts to screw this country with Cap and Trade and our other schemes. We’ve spent far too much time and effort spewing all that crap to have a Brit twit expose us now!”
Okay, neither Rep. Henry (The Weasel) Waxman nor any other Dem precisely used those words to articulate their sentiments nor did they fess up to supporting Obama’s efforts to surrender America’s sovereignty to the U.N. but, again, we of the Hypocrisy Police can read their minds. They should be afraid, very afraid.
Lord Monckton is anything but afraid. His wheels had barely hit the tarmac when he was informed...
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hypocrites in the News II
Please see previous (political) “Hypocrites in the News:”
Today we widen our focus to cite non-political hypocrites very deserving of our attention to demonstrate that, although politicians have raised hypocrisy to a virtual art form, they don’t enjoy a monopoly.
A sad case in point is the previously-discussed, Mel Gibson, (”Sex, Morality, and the Decline of a Nation II,”, who, apparently, couldn’t keep his pants zipped when it came to a couple of Russki hotties. If the allegations are true, Mel merits the top of the hypocrisy heap simply due to his prior status as a conservative icon who let us down almost as much as he let down his wife, his family, and himself.
Second place in the hypocritical non-political category is awarded to a sorry substitute for a human being, some swishing twit named Perez Hilton, who earned his position here by demonstrating intolerance. As a dashing gay blade and a representative of his homosexual clique, surely he must have heard of the gay “Day of Silence” last week which sought to muzzle straight high school and college kids to enable the homosexual lobby to present its case for, take a guess, tolerance toward the gay community.
In actuality, the Day of Silence was dedicated as much to recruiting kids to its lifestyle as it was to gaining respect and tolerance, but that’s just one man’s opinion. See here for the substance behind that opinion:
Well, Perez, whose real name is Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. and who maintains a website which features a more than flattering caricature of his likeness,proved proved to be more than a tad intolerant of a young lady named, Carrie Prejean.
The Perez-Carrie story has been widely circulated but for those not into the stuff of fluff, such as Miss America contests, a quick summary: For some reason, Perez was chosen to be a judge of this year’s competitors to help determine who would wear the 2009 crown. Why a flaming homosexual would be asked to sit in judgement on a bevy of American beauties in the first place, except perhaps for a touch of comic relief, is beyond me. It was tantamount in its absurdity to Rep. Barney Frank judging honest CEO’s, which he does.
Now, I’m not qualified to allege that gay “men” don’t like women, especially pretty women, although it’s probably true, but Perez went at Carrie as if . . .
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carrie prejean,
mel gibson,
perez hilton
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Picking and choosing America’s current most outstanding hypocrites involves a daunting challenge. Separating the spoiled wheat from the rotting chaff is only doable providing one can pick and choose at the same time one holds one’s nose. The trouble is, there’s just so much competition, so many vying for the hypocrite crown that the only practical thing to do was to set aside two separate and equal crowns, for the political and non-political spheres.
Today, the political arena.
Needless to say, so I’ll say it anyway, hypocrisy is most prevalent in the smarmy world of politics where it’s so ingrained that it all but defines that world. Most people, unfortunately, anticipate lying, cheating, finagling, and subterfuge from most politicians who denounce the lying, cheating, finagling and subterfuge in other societal fields as if they were shocked, shocked, I tell you, at the corruption in the human soul. However, hypocrisy is hardly confined to politics where, thanks to our system of virtual lifetime tenure for career politicos, they have perfected the art of hypocrisy which others can only hope to emulate.
Let’s therefore begin with the political sphere and, since we’re there, why not start at the top, namely with the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Still shy of a hundred days in office, Obama and his appointed henchmen and henchwomen have already set a multitude of hypocrisy records. They range from the president’s accepting purebred Bo instead of adopting one of those puppies in a shelter window to his knowledge of Cabinet nominees’ tax cheating, most of which have been detailed in this space. Since we’re focusing here on the most recent events, we can narrow the field.
Many Americans very intelligently despise politics and all its related ickiness and generally ignore what comes out of D.C. and state capitals rather than getting involved in the nitty-gritties and rolling in the political mud. As a friend once confessed, he gets all the news he needs from ABC, NBC, and CBS even though he knows the coverage is slanted and superficial, and he’s pretty typical of the average guy, except in his awareness that network news is as skewed so far to the left it’s virtually objectively useless.
Obama, (no dumb bunny, he), is fully aware of the inclinations of Joe Average. After all, he was elected largely by the uninformed and misinformed. So, when he announced at his first full Cabinet meeting that $100,000,000 must be, ahem, slashed from his department budgets, he knew full well that the headlines would read just that, “PRESIDENT SLASHES $100 MILLION FROM BUDGET,” and my friend and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Average would be thrilled that our leader is leading the pack in cutting the federal fat. Maybe, only maybe, the mass media might mention, might mention, somewhere how many zeroes there are in the total budget of $4,000,000,000,000. Someone did the math and that Obama’s admitted “drop in the bucket” was a rousing 0.0025% of the total planned outlay and 0.007% of the projected deficit:
Obama richly deserves to take top place in our CURRENT HYPOCRITE AWARDS not because of Bo but because of, once again, fooling some of the people all of the time while thinking he can fool all of the people all of the time.
Hot on Obama’s heels for the hypocrite pinnacle is Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D. CA), one of the dozens of multi-millionaires sitting in those taxpayer-provided seats in Congress. She was very eager to share the wealth, a goal expressed, then hushed, by candidate Obama. It would be admirable on the good senator’s part if it were her own wealth she were sharing. However, it’s taxpayer wealth she wanted doled out–to her husband–but indirectly, of course.
It was no paltry sum that Feinstein wanted shared. In fact, it was $25 Billion she wanted doled, to the FDIC, the agency which is normally funded by banks. She all but fell over herself when congress convened this year to get those billions shared but failed to mention that the FDIC “had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms:” What’s that adage, “One hand washes the other?”
Feinstein’s intervention with that unorthodox end-run for redistribution of wealth to the FDIC and, again indirectly, to Richard Blum, her loving and equally wealthy hubby, earns her second place in the hypocrite sweepstakes. As they say, the rich get richer and the poor either get pregnant or go broke keeping the rich happy.
Third place in political hypocrisy goes to an old favorite,. . .
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Saturday, April 18, 2009
America's Apostate Catholic Universities
What, in the name of God, is going on with America’s Catholic universities?
Notre Dame alumni are putting the screws to their alma mater, hitting it where it hurts most: in the Irish endowment.
The purpose: Dumping university president, Rev. John Jenkins. The reason: Jenkins’ invitation to pro-abortionist President Barack Obama to speak at commencement on May 17th and Jenkins’ surrender of the values upon which Notre Dame was founded. The prospects of success: Nil, in either ousting Jenkins or in stopping their school from honoring a man who stands in opposition to virtually everything Notre Dame and the Catholic faith holds true and sacred.
It would represent a further embarrassment to all concerned to revoke the Obama invite at this point and an equal embarrassment to force Jenkins to step down under duress. However, the school still has high hopes and anticipates President Obama will abide by tradition, even if the school has abandoned its traditional moral principles. A university spokesman indicated that, “Notre Dame expects Obama to Wear Prayer to Virgin Mary on His Chest When He Accepts Honorary Degree:” That is the same traditional robe worn by such luminaries as George W. Bush and Martin Sheen and, as another spokesman added, “everyone” wears that robe when receiving such recognition by Notre Dame and so will Obama.
Don’t bet the farm on that expectation. Not that Obama isn’t into tradition but his traditions aren’t quite the same as Notre Dame’s. A White House spokesman when asked about the robe hemmed and hawed over an answer and sputtered, “I’ve looked around, but I don’t have an answer for you.”
We will get that answer in a little over a month at the graduation ceremony. I wonder how proud the new graduates and “Rudy” Ruetigger feel about the whole mess created for their beloved school by Father Jenkins.
That other prestigious, eastern United States Catholic university, Georgetown, had already succeeded in upstaging its sister Catholic school in South Bend by its shameful action when Obama spoke there recently. Georgetown deferred to Obama by covering the religiously-symbolic letters, “IHS,” which were never an issue for other speakers. For Obama, for some reason, the iconic symbol was “out of context.” GU subsequently offered the lame excuse that it required the space for flags. (See and “Pusillanimity on Parade in Academia:”
In what appears to be a never-ending competition for publicity, or for something far worse, Georgetown outdid itself during this year’s Lenten season
If I may digress for a brief bit, GU’s desecration of Lent brought to mind the priest and family friend who had officiated at our wedding 40 years ago. Twenty years later, Father Joe decided he had had it and left the priesthood. His winters of discontent were not rooted in his religion or the priesthood per se as much as it was discontent with the new priests entering that vocation. He expressed the reason for his giving up his vestments in a rhetorical question: “What other profession offers such a ripe field for homosexuals to pursue their homosexual inclinations?”
His point and the cause of Father Joe’s justifiable anger was the influx of gays into the priesthood, the results of which have become all too evident in contemporary headlines about predator priests and child molestation. As vocations by the truly priestly plummeted, the Church sought to fill the ranks by allowing entry into its seminaries not only to “non-practicing” homosexuals but to others of questionable character and morality, as long as they hadn’t been caught yet.
The results are also evident at Georgetown University. Jesuit GU bastardized the first week of Lent with “Sex Positive Week,” dedicated not exclusively to homosexuality but open to all “positivity.”
Georgetown’s “Sex Positive Week” featured a variety of “positive” events. On Monday they had a panel discussion on positive sex. Tuesday focused on the eternal query, “Can pornography be sex positive?” Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, . . .
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notre dame,
university of seattle
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Save These Dates!
Save These Dates!
With the holy season of Easter behind us, it’s time to mark these imminent dates and events on your calendars.
April 15: Be sure your tax returns are postmarked by this date to insure Uncle Sam and Uncle David (in New York) don’t impose a stiff penalty for your audacity in submitting your federal and state tribute late to the state or the feds! Neither looks kindly on such procrastination. As Obama’s vetters for such positions as Secretary of the Treasury know full well, our Democratic leaders are permitted to procrastinate and even ignore the tax mandates with which we groundlings must abide but watch your butt if YOU follow suit! That is, unless you are apt to consciously, or sub-consciously, tend to chant, “Change!” In that case you still have to pay through the nose but you should be content with the change left in your pocket after you pay your dues.
April 15: Yep, this requires some multitasking expertise since you must first cough up to the feds and maybe to your state the cash they need to administer social programs from which you derive no benefit and to reward simple servants whose hearing defects limit their ability to answer phones. Nevertheless, cast aside your tax-anger on Wednesday and get thee to a Tea Party, whether you prefer to indulge in a nice cup’a tea, a nice cup’a coffee, or a few slugs of high test Coke to get you moving in the morning. “Tea Parties” are being held throughout the nation on April 15 to protest the efforts of Obama and his tax cheats to impose on us, our children, and our grandchildren the burden of paying for their profligacy. For background on America’s first tea party, click here: For local tea times, consult your local rebels and remember to BYOT, Bring Your Own Tea.
April 17: This is another day that may soon live in infamy, if we allow it. America’s resident gay blades and their fellow travellers are intent on conducting a widespread Day of Silence in Massachusetts and other public schools on April 17th. The plan is that straight, normal, heterosexual kids will keep their mouths shut, so they cannot object, and their ears wide open, so that they will be receptive to the “gay” message. That message has two components, one, that straight kids accept them as normal and, two, that confused straight kids sign up for more information on the glories of homosexual life. See “Day of Silence–Day of Seduction,” and call or picket your school to register your objections.
If I had a choice among not paying my taxes by April 15th or not attending a tax rebellion on that date or not protesting that effort to seduce our kids on April 17th, I’d skip my taxes, pay the penalties, skip the tea party and protest the Day Of Silence. That day and its many ramifications could affect America, and our kids, far more grievously than unfair and outrageous taxes.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Yuks, Chucks, and Giggles
Those not familiar with should get familiar, especially if they enjoy keeping updated on “moonbats” making fools of themselves.
In a recent, recent 24 hour period, readers were entertained with these stories exposing the ironies, clownish actions, absurd statements, and outright idiocies committed by those of the liberal persuasion, (read “liberal persuasion” as clownish, absurd and idiotic:)
MOONBATS TARGET TOP ARMY CHAPLAIN: “The Military Religious Freedom Foundation sought Maj. Gen. Douglas Carver’s ouster on the day Carver designated for prayer and fasting for chaplains. It also was the start of Passover, observed with a ritual meal, or Seder, by Jews.” Cutely named “Mikey” Weinstein, in conjunction with co-plaintiff and atheist, medic Spc. Justin Chalker, have filed suit seeking Carver’s ouster on the basis of “Christians upset about what they view as discrimination by other Christians.” Carver’s egregious offense? Scheduling a day of prayer and fasting on a day which happened to coincide with the beginning of the Jewish Passover when Jews like to enjoy a nice meal: God forbids (voluntary) prayer and fasting at any time?
MUSLIM MURDERESS OPPRESSED: It was alleged that a Muslim woman, Nour Hadid, had murdered her 2 year old niece, according to Orland Park, Illinois police. That would be a horrific crime and Orland Park police handled it in a professional manner. After her arrest, as per procedure, her picture, her mugshot, was taken, sans her hajib or head scarf and in a “skimpy” top. Hubby Alaeddin Hadid, no relation to the magic carpet Alladin, took offense, contending Nour was dissed by the cops and he vowed to sue saying that such a photograph “is against our religion; we do not do this in our culture:” (,041009mugshot.article) Well, hello, Alaeddin, you’re not living in your culture and in our culture we take great offense at murdering children and objecting to cops doing their job by recording on film the face, not the scarf, of the accused!
PLAGUED FOR SELLING PUPPIES: Puppies are all over the mass media news lately as it breathlessly awaits confirmation on the identity of the pet that Malia and Sasha Obama will be getting, and which White House personnel will be cleaning up after. Pooper scoopers . . .
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
America's Next Tea Party: April 15, 2009
The Boston Tea Party wasn’t much of a party and the ton of tea dumped into Boston harbor in 1773 represented more a sacrifice than it was a protest against Britain’s tea tax. The colonials loved their spot of tea but they loved their freedom and independence far more.
The Boston Tea Party was actually a powder keg which wasn’t the least bit dampened by the frigid New England waters that December night. The massive explosion of that keg helped serve to light the way for the American Revolution which, three years down the dusty roads of 18th century America, led to our Declaration of Independence from an oppressive King George III and a vengeful British Parliament.
The madness of King George and the stupidity and venality of that legislative body whose members, bedecked in their powdered wigs and immersed in their pride and righteous indignation, have been fully documented over the 235 intervening years since that tea party. See here for an abbreviated account of the events and consequences of the Boston Tea Party and a participant’s recollections:
Five days from now, Americans will have another opportunity to inform other oppressive ruling bodies that we’re fed up and refuse to take it any longer.
The Congress of the United States and our new, reigning monarch-wanna be, Obama the First, have seen fit to impose on the American people and upon our children and grandchildren undue, repressive, and unnecessary tax burdens which are designed to create, support, and expand massive social programs intent on establishing a massive, dependent welfare state and to “share the wealth,” as King Obama let slip to Joe the Plumber during the campaign.
Most of the machinations in process are still unknown to the citizenry, such programs as ending the Bush tax cuts in 2010, a tactic which will allow our Democrats to assert they did not raise taxes. Taxes will soar because the tax cuts simply expired. Get that?
Our Democratic leaders are actively and subtly employing the ol’ boiling a frog trick: Dump that little green sucker into tepid water and gradually jack up the temperature until, Voila! you have frog legs that taste like chicken, and taxpayers who are boiled alive and ready for the Soylent Green factories–after they pay their taxes.
Scheduled not coincidentally with the day our various governments, led by and linked to the feds, exact their pounds of taxpayer flesh, April 15th, full details on the reasons and purposes behind America’s New Tea Party can be found here:
There may or may not be any actual tea tossed into the briny on that day. It’s planned as a, hopefully peaceful, national demonstration by good, American citizens who sincerely yet forcefully demand to be heard in Washington, Albany, Trenton, Sacramento, and the rest of our state capitals. We want it made vividly clear that we do not endorse and will never support converting the United States of America into a socialist nation.
As Jefferson wrote in America’s Declaration of Independence, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
May God bless, save, and preserve America!
The Boston Tea Party was actually a powder keg which wasn’t the least bit dampened by the frigid New England waters that December night. The massive explosion of that keg helped serve to light the way for the American Revolution which, three years down the dusty roads of 18th century America, led to our Declaration of Independence from an oppressive King George III and a vengeful British Parliament.
The madness of King George and the stupidity and venality of that legislative body whose members, bedecked in their powdered wigs and immersed in their pride and righteous indignation, have been fully documented over the 235 intervening years since that tea party. See here for an abbreviated account of the events and consequences of the Boston Tea Party and a participant’s recollections:
Five days from now, Americans will have another opportunity to inform other oppressive ruling bodies that we’re fed up and refuse to take it any longer.
The Congress of the United States and our new, reigning monarch-wanna be, Obama the First, have seen fit to impose on the American people and upon our children and grandchildren undue, repressive, and unnecessary tax burdens which are designed to create, support, and expand massive social programs intent on establishing a massive, dependent welfare state and to “share the wealth,” as King Obama let slip to Joe the Plumber during the campaign.
Most of the machinations in process are still unknown to the citizenry, such programs as ending the Bush tax cuts in 2010, a tactic which will allow our Democrats to assert they did not raise taxes. Taxes will soar because the tax cuts simply expired. Get that?
Our Democratic leaders are actively and subtly employing the ol’ boiling a frog trick: Dump that little green sucker into tepid water and gradually jack up the temperature until, Voila! you have frog legs that taste like chicken, and taxpayers who are boiled alive and ready for the Soylent Green factories–after they pay their taxes.
Scheduled not coincidentally with the day our various governments, led by and linked to the feds, exact their pounds of taxpayer flesh, April 15th, full details on the reasons and purposes behind America’s New Tea Party can be found here:
There may or may not be any actual tea tossed into the briny on that day. It’s planned as a, hopefully peaceful, national demonstration by good, American citizens who sincerely yet forcefully demand to be heard in Washington, Albany, Trenton, Sacramento, and the rest of our state capitals. We want it made vividly clear that we do not endorse and will never support converting the United States of America into a socialist nation.
As Jefferson wrote in America’s Declaration of Independence, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
May God bless, save, and preserve America!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A Heterosexual Questionnaire
Sometimes lately, too often, the efforts of the homosexual lobby, the LGBT crowd, to attract America’s young people to their twisted lifestyle becomes too blatant to be ignored. Such is the planned Day of Silence/Day of Seduction set for 10 days from now, April 17th, in Massachusetts schools and, organizers say, in hundreds of other American elementary and high schools. For details, see
The gay movement seems to be picking up a great head of steam since Obama’s election as they mobilize in courts, legislatures, streets, and schools to win over the public to universal acceptance of its agenda. The most liberal president in America’s history has made it vividly clear that their agenda is his agenda.
As with most radical movements, in their fervor and haste to conquer the public’s mind and soul, they overstep, exceed limits, and betray their essential mindset that they believe most people are too stupid to notice their machinations. A prime example is the website,
Ostensibly, “advocates for youth,” in actuality it is as much a vehicle for the seduction and recruitment of normal young people as it functions as a support group for gay teens.
Where it most obviously shows its intent is in a poorly-constructed “heterosexual questionnaire.” The questions try to steer youths toward favoring and adopting homosexuality but are so laughably biased in that direction that it is a virtual parody of itself, replete with distortions, false assumptions, twisted facts, and outright lies.
Below is that questionnaire, intended to serve as a lesson plan for teachers. I took the opportunitity to supplement it with editorial commentary to set the record straight:
What do you think caused your heterosexuality? (Suggestion: It’s some kind of genetic flaw or disease which, given some effort, could be cured.)
When and how did you first decide you were heterosexual? (Suggestion: It’s a decision heterosexuals make, in contrast to homosexuals who insist they are born that way.)
Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of? (Suggestion: This too will pass, like biting your nails or twitching.) ...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
John Rich, Rebel With A Cause
I’m not a big aficionado of country and western music nor of country singer, John Rich, but his new hit single is worth a listen if you’re as angry as he is over Washington’s efforts to bankrupt the nation.
It’s worth a listen if you believe that the CEO of Merrill Lynch using taxpayer bailout money to buy a $38,000. toilet is an incredible wasteful use of our money during an awful economy.
It’s worth a listen if you’re angry that this and other monumental waste is going on when people are being thrown out of work and thrown out of their homes and as workers and retireees watch their nesteggs go round and round, heading down that CEO’s toilet.
If you believe that the D.C. shenanigans are “absolute nonsense” and reflect “a lack of reality and a lack of respect for American taxpayers” and if you further believe that the “long-term effects of spending trillions and trillions of [our] grandkids’ dollars [isn’t] worth the short-term blackjack move that [President Obama’s] making to stimulate our economy right now?” you should appreciate, “Shuttin’ Detroit Down.”
For background on John Rich and his music see the source of those John Rich quotations,|htmlws-main-t2|dl5|link4|
To hear John Rich sing “Shuttin’ Detroit Down,” click here
For the lyrics, click here
For an opportunity to voice your anger over the sorry state of affairs in 2009 America, call your congressman and senators; names and numbers should be in your phone books. You may even want to leave a message for Obama at the White House switchboard, (202) 456-1414,(202) 456-2461, so that when he gets back from his European Grand Tour after wowing his fans and wooing heads of state, he may get a reality check from the hometown folk.
For some personal and family consolation during these very trying times, try praying.
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