Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Got Oil?

Got Oil?

Got oil? We have plenty though you’d never know it from gas and heating oil prices.

We have it in ANWR, we have it in tar sands, shale, the Outer Continental Shelf, the Bakken Play in Montana, in fact, we have enough untapped oil to power our motor vehicles, heat our homes, and energize what’s left of our industries to keep America in business three hundred years, according to Kiplinger Magazine:

Problem is, we’d rather have $5 or $10 dollar gas, freeze our arses off, continue our dependence on foreign oil, let our industries and jobs slide down the sewer rather than go after those reserves, disturb moose-mating in ANWR, risk that shrimp, mackerel, and sturgeon don’t copulate and propagate sufficiently, or aggravate the environmental lobby.

More than any other president in modern history, you have to watch carefully what Obama does and virtually disregard what he says. Richard Nixon was a known dissembler and so his words were often discounted as the public and the press paid far more attention to his deeds to see what he was up to. Barack Hussein Obama is given a free pass by that same media and his deeds are disregarded when they are at variance with his actions.

Whether it’s his gaffes, or lack of transparency, or outright prevarications, don’t bother to read his lips, note his actions.

The question of energy independece represents a classic example of Obamian doublespeak.

An environmental extremist, Obama constantly preaches conservation, minimizing our oil and gas consumption, cutting back on essential activities, which is all well and good. At the same time he professes to be doing all in his power to explore and drill for oil and produce so-called clean energy and biofuels which are more expensive and in the case of windmills and solar, unreliable since winds don’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine.

The 31.2 billion barrel trove in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge . . .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Change We Have To Believe In

Recent Change We Have To Believe In

Candidate Barack Hussein Obama’s ambiguous, slick campaign promise of “Change We Can Believe In” had as much substance as George W. Bush’s “Compassionate Conservatism,” Bill Clinton’s “Putting People First,” and Al Gore’s “Prosperity and Progress.”

Of course, slogans are just slogans. Precious little that was compassionate or conservative resulted from Bush’s Democrat-light economic policies, the only people Clinton ever put first were Monica and his other girlfriends, and Gore fortunately never got a chance to strut his version of progress to the American people.

To his credit, Obama has brought change to Washington, more and more radical change than all but his most ardent supporters could have anticipated. Still, he would have been more honest had he campaigned on his socialistic slip of the lip made to Joe the Plumber. He would not have won with the slogan ”Share the Wealth!” but he would have shown some integrity.

Many changes are in progess, though. Reports that food stamp participation on his watch has balooned by 50% certainly prove he is fulfilling that pledge to his constituency.

Obamian foreign policy changes have dominated the news of late principally with regard to Libya where we are now engaged in our third Mideast war which is not really a war but what the White House in a marvel of linguistic distortion terms “a kinetic military action" and not a war.

One more change.

Another dubious but noteworthy change is apparent in America’s Afghanistan real war: Our military has lost 858 soldiers or 60.13 of the total fatalities there since Obama took office twenty six months ago:

Maybe he’s actually trying to win that war? Don’t bet on it. Keep in mind, this is Obama.

Something and someone else to keep in mind in this brief look at recent changes in D.C. is the conversion of the Department of Justice under Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder into an agency dedicated and committed to getting even for the long-dead evil of slavery. . .

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Torpedo Is a Bomb in Detroit

The Torpedo Is a Bomb in Detroit

I hate like hell to concede that Perez Hilton could ever be right about anything but he was on the money when he insinuated that “Charlie Sheen’s: Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option” tour would be a dud.

Even though Rachel Marsden opined on that Charlie should run for president–her reasons for which peculiar suggestion included the facts he is beyond scandal, he hasn’t shot animals from a plane, and that he doesn’t need the job–Mr. Torpedo-Tiger Blood bombed in of all places, Detroit.

See some comments from the morons fans who paid to see Charlie in live action here:

A minute-by-minute account of that Motor City bombing and star-struck Detroiters’ wake-up call that stars implode can be read on Inside TV. Suffice to say, since Saturday night was the tour’s inaugural debacle, its remainder promises to be one pip of a loser, much like Charlie himself.

As seen in the play-by-play account, the Winner clearly demonstrates he’s not insane at all but rather crazy like a fox and a canny actor who is milking his notoriety for all its worth with not a care in the world for presenting a well-staged performance. In fact, he’s not on stage much at all and when he is he rambles incoherently.

A comic nonentity opens the show, Sheen makes a cameo to plead on his behalf, but the pathetic comedian is roundly and literally booed off the stage anyway. The whole mess starts and stops at intervals, is filled with Charlie’s film clips and singers who can’t sing very well, for some reason “two goddesses” swap spit onstage, . . .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Islamic Vengeance and Excuses

Islamic Vengeance and Excuses

Revenge may be a dish best served cold but when it comes to Koranic vengeance it’s usually meted out blazing hot.

Islam’s Koran is big on revenge, vengeance, retaliations, and reprisals. As for forgiveness, understanding, brotherhood, and love, the Koran isn’t as big on those.

Whether it’s a Salman Rushdie, a woman found guilty of adultery, a nation found complicit in desecrating Muslim lands, or virtually anyone who in any way offends the Prophet Muhammad, Islam, “the religion of peace,” Muslims, or the Holy Koran, the verdict is always the same: death.

Rushdie’s publication of The Satanic Verses–a novel, for Allah’s sake!–was deemed blasphemous and a fatwā, an Islamic religious ruling, a scholarly opinion on a matter of Islamic law, was issued against him by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini calling for Rushdie’s death. On the other hand, no fatwās are required before adulterous women are stoned to death and none were issued before Islam attacked America and murdered almost 3000 innocents on September 11th, 2001.

Muslims can be fickle with issuance of their fatwās.

Fatwās seem incidental when sweet vengeance beckons Muslims. In fact, Muslims seem to have the capacity to wreak vengeance at the drop of a keffiyeh. They need little excuse to riot, kill, and generally commit mayhem, unless a collective conscious feeling of inferiority is considered an excuse.

Islam has an admirable history of accomplishment in science. medicine, education, agriculture, engineering, the arts, and other fields dating back to its Golden Age. Regrettably for Muslims, that age ended seven hundred years ago. Today’s heirs to that rich legacy must ask themselves, What have we done lately?

The answer is little or nothing along the lines of science, medicine, etc. although they have continued their age-old traditions of brutal violence against fellow Muslims and, when that gets boring, against hated infidels, i.e., anyone who isn’t a Muslim.

Discoveries of black gold, oil, in the Mideast have enabled some limited few Muslims to accumulate wealth beyond imagining, leaving the billion or so left out of the oil loop to continue wondering. Western advancements and technology accorded those select few their wealth and palaces and despotic regimes but that reality afforded no solace to those on the outside.

It’s enough to get a billion or so people annoyed and to seek other avenues of self-esteem, reasons, excuses and rationales to make them feel better about themselves . . .

Friday, April 1, 2011

Carlos Irwin Estevez, What's Wrong with You?

Carlos Irwin Estevez, What's Wrong with You?

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie! What in the name of all that’s Hollywood are you doing?

Forty five year old Carlos Irwin Estevez, aka Charlie Sheen, seems to be on a meltdown trajectory or he has already melted down and is now bent on becoming a modern equivalent of Dorothy’s nemesis, the Wicked Witch of the West.

Sheen is one of those entertainers in the mold of George Clooney, Sean Penn, Bill Maher, and too many others who cash in with their celebrity by becoming advocates and spokesmen for various causes as they assume the roles of social and political gurus, always guru-ing on the side of leftism, always guru-ing to compensate for their paucity of substance.

Multimillionaires like Clooney, Penn, and Sheen hardly need the money that Maher craves but what they all have in common, is the same thing that motivated the late billionaire Nelson Rockefeller, something money can’t easily buy–recognition, respect and, especially, power and influence.

Charlie’s causes run the gamut from Lee National Denim Day to Aid for AIDS to the Best in Drag Show to the 9/11 Truth Movement, anything to distract him from the vacuousness of his life for which he also substitutes booze, bimbos, and drugs.

He’s a sad but not unique case in his sphere.

Bounced from his lucrative role in ABC’s “Two and a Half Men” not because he went nutty with whores and illicit substances but because he went beyond the pale and criticized the show producer’s Jewishness, Charlie then literally lost it, it being his career.

It may not be PC to say but the lesson for Charlie Sheen and for any and all other celebs who want to continue to enjoy their perks and salaries is to indulge their bizarre world all they wish and can physically sustain but never, ever cross a Jewish exec.

As Charlie discovered, they don’t ever forget or forgive religious slurs.

Charlie’s now-international ”Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth”, aka “Charlie Sheen’s: Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option” tour won’t be a dud even though rumors are afoot that its 10-18 minute sellouts aren’t really sold out and despite Perez The Swisher Hilton’s view that Sheen “is NUTS,” that it will be improvisational, that it “sounds strange fun [sic],” and Charlie may not even show up.

Perez is certainly familiar with strange, so who knows? . . .