Tuesday, January 27, 2009
You Go, Blago!
You Go, Blago!
I’ve gotten to like semi-deposed Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich.
No, I’m not mentally deranged, I don’t think. Nor am I of Serbian extraction as the mop-haired ex-gov is. Nor do I suggest he’s innocent of any charges against him, although he’s not been charged with any; after all, the guy is from Illinois, home state of the most corrupt town in the country, if not on the planet, so he has to be guilty of everything.
And, yes, I’m up to here with 24/7 Blago news as much as I am with Madoff news and Britney news. But, I’ve come to like Rod’s overall style, if not his hairstyle–and how this Chicago-born Democrat has been sticking it to his fellow Dems far and wide.
I furthermore believe that he’s not a “cuckoo,” as Mayor Daley II has called him twice, the same mayor who supported him twice for the governorship and with whom he palled around and with whom he sat on numberless daises, etc. I think also that Rod has a couple tricks still up his well-tailored sleeve as well as a plan to keep himself out of the hoosegow. He may have risen from humble roots, but he seems to have a grand exit plan.
True, he’s brash, obnoxious, foul-mouthed, sleazy, greedy, and glib, all of which are standard attributes for Illinois political success. He also seems supremely confident for some reason and for that reason, the Powers-that-be in Illinois and Chicago are determined to bring him down. I think those Powers are mightily afraid of what Blago knows and aware that he has no compunctions about spilling all he knows.
Let’s look at the record, as the venerable former New York Governor Al Smith used to say, not Blagojevich’s record in Springfield but the record since December 9th when what he has termed his personal Pearl Harbor began.
The poor guy was rousted from the warm bed he shares with the equally-greedy and equally-foul-mouthed Mrs. Patricia B. on that cold December morning in 2008, barely a month after Barack Obama’s election as president. With his two young kids, hopefully, still sleeping at 6:15 a.m, ...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Where Have All the Somalis Gone?
Where Have All the Somalis Gone?
Another story getting little play in the very news-selective mainstream media is the mysterious disappearances of dozens of young immigrants from Somalia who had been living in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota area. CNN, Newsweek and the LA Times have finally seen fit to cover the two month old story: http://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2008/11/26/holy-cow-now-40-young-somalis-are-missing-in-minnesota/
The story hit (some) wires in late November, most notably on the Fox News Channel, that up to 40 Somalis have simply upped and disappeared without even a fond adieu even to their parents. One, a naturalized United States citizen, reappeared as a suicide bomber in Somalia.
Not mentioned in any of the stories that I have seen is the possibility that at least some are not journeying back home, a long and expensive trip for the mostly impoverished Somalis, but are being trained here and in their other adoptive nations for domestic jihad, or struggle mandated by the Qur’an and Allah.
The fear of the conventional wisdom is that they are being recruited to participate in jihad in their native Somalia which is torn by upheavals between what government there is in that country and Islamic insurgents bent on establishing an Islamic state there: http://www.defenddemocracy.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=11783918&Itemid=0.
That story goes further, referring to reports that similar disappearances are occurring worldwide where Somalis have gone to seek a better life, in Europe, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia.
Sorry, but I can’t work up much fear that all headed back to blow themselves up in Somalia after being accorded the privilege of living in America or elsewhere where their lot in life had to have been a vast improvement, no doubt subsidized by Americans, Europeans, et al.
Muhammed Atta and his band of merry murderers may not have been Somalis but they were Islamic jihadists. Could the next 9/11 be in the planning stage and will the ranks of the next wave of terrorism here be supplemented by Somali recruits?
The FBI is said to be on the case but the FBI also knew in advance about Atta.
Another story getting little play in the very news-selective mainstream media is the mysterious disappearances of dozens of young immigrants from Somalia who had been living in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota area. CNN, Newsweek and the LA Times have finally seen fit to cover the two month old story: http://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2008/11/26/holy-cow-now-40-young-somalis-are-missing-in-minnesota/
The story hit (some) wires in late November, most notably on the Fox News Channel, that up to 40 Somalis have simply upped and disappeared without even a fond adieu even to their parents. One, a naturalized United States citizen, reappeared as a suicide bomber in Somalia.
Not mentioned in any of the stories that I have seen is the possibility that at least some are not journeying back home, a long and expensive trip for the mostly impoverished Somalis, but are being trained here and in their other adoptive nations for domestic jihad, or struggle mandated by the Qur’an and Allah.
The fear of the conventional wisdom is that they are being recruited to participate in jihad in their native Somalia which is torn by upheavals between what government there is in that country and Islamic insurgents bent on establishing an Islamic state there: http://www.defenddemocracy.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=11783918&Itemid=0.
That story goes further, referring to reports that similar disappearances are occurring worldwide where Somalis have gone to seek a better life, in Europe, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia.
Sorry, but I can’t work up much fear that all headed back to blow themselves up in Somalia after being accorded the privilege of living in America or elsewhere where their lot in life had to have been a vast improvement, no doubt subsidized by Americans, Europeans, et al.
Muhammed Atta and his band of merry murderers may not have been Somalis but they were Islamic jihadists. Could the next 9/11 be in the planning stage and will the ranks of the next wave of terrorism here be supplemented by Somali recruits?
The FBI is said to be on the case but the FBI also knew in advance about Atta.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Abortion's Ugly Realities
Abortion in America: A Grisly Reality
As the ardently pro-abortionist President Obama plots to end any and all restrictions on the practice of aborting pre-born babies in the United States and to fund abortions worldwide, it’s time to review the issue. It would be in America's interest for Obama to do the same.
Fifty years ago in our country, the word “abortion,” if not unheard of, was rarely uttered in polite society, much like but more emotionally charged than the use of the F-word or even the N-word are today. But times have changed and as the old Virginia Slims cigarette commercial enticed women, “You’ve come a long way, Baby!”And that they have, for better or worse.
It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the reasons for that change as it relates to what is now called reproductive rights other than to mention the obvious, namely the development of the women’s rights movement, women’s liberation, which not coincidentally sprouted around the same time that agitation for legalized abortion began.
A significant and deadly right claimed by the bra-burning demonstrators of the 1960’s was the right to destroy their pre-born “products of conception” Today, that right has become so ingrained in the American psyche that the act itself is almost commonplace.
Originally, pro-abortionists readily, if not proudly, accepted that label until the rise of the Pro-life movement and the realization of Americans’ general feeling of repugnance at the thought of what an abortion involved. It was then that pro-abortionists resorted to the euphemistic label of “pro-choice” to describe themselves and their position.
The Pro-choice movement, however, never took into consideration a choice that should have been the right of the most innocent party in an abortion, namely the pre-born child’s. That tiny being was denied personhood by the highest court in the land in 1973 in its most capricious and far-reaching decision since Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857. One main difference is that Roe v. Wade had much deadlier consequences for what lawyers call the party of the first part, the baby, who not only was denied personhood but literally had no voice in the matter and ultimately was denied life itself.
One principal reason offered for legalizing abortion was to save women from the horrors of so-called “back alley abortions,” which rarely...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Abortion's Ugly Realities
Abortion in America: A Grisly Reality
As the ardently pro-abortionist President Obama plots to end any and all restrictions on the practice of aborting pre-born babies in the United States and to fund abortions worldwide, it’s time to review the issue. It would be in America's interest for Obama to do the same.
Fifty years ago in our country, the word “abortion,” if not unheard of, was rarely uttered in polite society, much like but more emotionally charged than the use of the F-word or even the N-word are today. But times have changed and as the old Virginia Slims cigarette commercial enticed women, “You’ve come a long way, Baby!”And that they have, for better or worse.
It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the reasons for that change as it relates to what is now called reproductive rights other than to mention the obvious, namely the development of the women’s rights movement, women’s liberation, which not coincidentally sprouted around the same time that agitation for legalized abortion began.
A significant and deadly right claimed by the bra-burning demonstrators of the 1960’s was the right to destroy their pre-born “products of conception” Today, that right has become so ingrained in the American psyche that the act itself is almost commonplace.
Originally, pro-abortionists readily, if not proudly, accepted that label until the rise of the Pro-life movement and the realization of Americans’ general feeling of repugnance at the thought of what an abortion involved. It was then that pro-abortionists resorted to the euphemistic label of “pro-choice” to describe themselves and their position.
The Pro-choice movement, however, never took into consideration a choice that should have been the right of the most innocent party in an abortion, namely the pre-born child’s. That tiny being was denied personhood by the highest court in the land in 1973 in its most capricious and far-reaching decision since Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857. One main difference is that Roe v. Wade had much deadlier consequences for what lawyers call the party of the first part, the baby, who not only was denied personhood but literally had no voice in the matter and ultimately was denied life itself.
One principal reason offered for legalizing abortion was to save women from the horrors of so-called “back alley abortions,” which rarely...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Gays and Polls
Something Is Amok with the (Florida) SunSentinel.com
Less than 3 months after Florida voters resoundingly defeated gay marriage in the Sunshine State comes this item from SunSentinel.com: “Let Gays Marry, Adopt, Have Civil Unions, Most Floridians Say [emphasis added]: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/elections/sfl-flbgay0123sbjan23,0,76194.story.
That emphasis was added due to the content of the article which goes on to say, according to a Quinnipiac poll, that 27-35% of all surveyed voters endorsed all those demands of the LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered community.
First and foremost, even 35% can hardly be construed as constituting most Floridians, unless there’s some new math out there which equates one-third with a majority.
Secondly, there must have been a mass upheaval over a very short timespan in the thinking of Floridians regarding gay adoption if, again according to Quinnipiac and SunSentinel.com, 55% now oppose the state law prohibiting such adoptions. (Older, Republican, poorer, and less educated voters are said to be the bigoted culprits who still believe in traditional morality.)
Of course, depending on the poll-takers and the wording of poll questions, any poll can be skewed and that could explain Quinnipiac’s results but nothing can explain SunSentinel.com’s interpreting and reporting that a minority of Floridians means “most Floridians say.”
My personal suspicion is that an LGBT constituent is the headline writer for the Sun Sentinel.
Less than 3 months after Florida voters resoundingly defeated gay marriage in the Sunshine State comes this item from SunSentinel.com: “Let Gays Marry, Adopt, Have Civil Unions, Most Floridians Say [emphasis added]: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/elections/sfl-flbgay0123sbjan23,0,76194.story.
That emphasis was added due to the content of the article which goes on to say, according to a Quinnipiac poll, that 27-35% of all surveyed voters endorsed all those demands of the LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered community.
First and foremost, even 35% can hardly be construed as constituting most Floridians, unless there’s some new math out there which equates one-third with a majority.
Secondly, there must have been a mass upheaval over a very short timespan in the thinking of Floridians regarding gay adoption if, again according to Quinnipiac and SunSentinel.com, 55% now oppose the state law prohibiting such adoptions. (Older, Republican, poorer, and less educated voters are said to be the bigoted culprits who still believe in traditional morality.)
Of course, depending on the poll-takers and the wording of poll questions, any poll can be skewed and that could explain Quinnipiac’s results but nothing can explain SunSentinel.com’s interpreting and reporting that a minority of Floridians means “most Floridians say.”
My personal suspicion is that an LGBT constituent is the headline writer for the Sun Sentinel.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Meet the Press--Obama Style
President Barack Hussein Transparency Obama,who had promised a “a new level of transparency” in public life is rapidly retreating to a new level of opaqueness within all of three days into his four year reign.
For those maleducated in American public schools, the word “transparency” in a political context means clarity, openness, honesty, candidness, and visibility as opposed to deceit, artfulness, concealment, secrecy, and opaqueness.
Why anyone would expect Obama to follow through on a pledge of transparency when his entire campaign, from questionable fund raising to his smarmy associations was cloaked in subterfuge and deception is beyond me but a majority of voters still bought into his baloney and voted for the guy.
Go figure but the baloney won’t last the test of time until 2012.
You can take a politician out of Chicago but you can’t take the seamy world of Chicago intrigue and crime out of the politician. Of all Obama’s camp followers, the mainstream media, the MSM, is the first that’s quickly coming to realize that the man is not what he seemed. More precisely, the man is all that he seemed to objective critics, though not to his media lapdogs and therein lay the shocker to them. That media, which never bothered to vet him or insist he serve some meat with his political pap, may be coming to realize he is the ultimate charlatan.
BHM may have been able to fool a press more than willing to be fooled but when he starts messing with their bread and butter, accessibility, the White House Press Corps tends to get downright ornery.
And he has begun messing with that accessibility.
Way back in November, 2007, when Barack Obama was still a “presidential hopeful,” the transparency issue had raised its ugly head with regard to his fund raising secretiveness: http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2007/11/sweet_web_column_obamas_transp.html. That should have been a tipoff but the MSM never ran with it. Lapdogs by definition don’t run with much.
Media-types are somewhat less than pleased when they feel shut out. White House media-types can become all but rabid but instead of frothing in public, they tend to politely vent and save their foamy mouths for more intimate venues and circumstances, such as over a martini at The Reliable Source Bar at the National Press Club in D.C.
They vented at Robert Gibbs,...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Rape, War, and Sharia Law
Rape, War, and Sharia Law in Muslim Nations
Content: “I had thought it was simple.” Thus said the 20 year old brother of a 14 year old Afghani rape victim after he was arrested for using a razor blade to abort his sister’s baby.
The young girl had been raped by a construction worker and had the further misfortune of residing in an orthodox Islamic community where an illegitimate birth meant that she and her family would be treated like pariahs by their fellow Muslims. So her brother, Ali, took her to a cowshed and, as her mother helped restrain her, used the razor blade to slice open her womb. He removed the baby, buried it, then stitched up the wound with coarse string used to tie potato sacks. Ten days later, the girl was taken on a 30 mile donkey ride to a provincial hospital suffering from infection and later, to protect her from family and community members, was evacuated to Bagram Air Base where she remained in critical condition: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41777.
Although such lurid and grotesque tales are not unheard of in Western, generally Christian societies, they rarely if ever result from religious motivations. More likely it is a jealous rival or a psychotic, wannabe mother who would perpetrate such acts. Sharia Law, based on the Koran or Qur’an, however, condones such measures to atone for the shame visited upon a family by the sin of being a rape victim.
The other side of the Koranic coin, the rapist’s side, is far more forgiving. The Koran mentions no specific punishment for rapists, the probable reason for their receiving light or no civil penalties, while the victim may receive a hundred lashes for causing the crime. The girls, if not stoned to death, are shunned by their fellow Muslims and their opportunities for a future marriage are nil.
Demonstrating a serious inconsistency, that same Koran denounces rape, except in the event of mitigating circumstances, namely the woman’s religion: The Koran encourages the rape of non-Muslim women, according to more than one source, including http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.australian/browse_thread/thread/74aa640b4928eaaa, which cites a number of verses to support that view.: “Koran clearly sanctions this. No Muslims can deny these verses. They are called “ma malakat aymanukum…. The Koran verses are: 23-6, 33-50, 33-52, 33-55, 70-30.”
That sanction and that crime against the Afghani girl and what they say about Muslim thought are interrelated with our wars in the Mideast.
As the war in Iraq seemingly winds down toward a victorious conclusion and as the companion war...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Content: “I had thought it was simple.” Thus said the 20 year old brother of a 14 year old Afghani rape victim after he was arrested for using a razor blade to abort his sister’s baby.
The young girl had been raped by a construction worker and had the further misfortune of residing in an orthodox Islamic community where an illegitimate birth meant that she and her family would be treated like pariahs by their fellow Muslims. So her brother, Ali, took her to a cowshed and, as her mother helped restrain her, used the razor blade to slice open her womb. He removed the baby, buried it, then stitched up the wound with coarse string used to tie potato sacks. Ten days later, the girl was taken on a 30 mile donkey ride to a provincial hospital suffering from infection and later, to protect her from family and community members, was evacuated to Bagram Air Base where she remained in critical condition: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41777.
Although such lurid and grotesque tales are not unheard of in Western, generally Christian societies, they rarely if ever result from religious motivations. More likely it is a jealous rival or a psychotic, wannabe mother who would perpetrate such acts. Sharia Law, based on the Koran or Qur’an, however, condones such measures to atone for the shame visited upon a family by the sin of being a rape victim.
The other side of the Koranic coin, the rapist’s side, is far more forgiving. The Koran mentions no specific punishment for rapists, the probable reason for their receiving light or no civil penalties, while the victim may receive a hundred lashes for causing the crime. The girls, if not stoned to death, are shunned by their fellow Muslims and their opportunities for a future marriage are nil.
Demonstrating a serious inconsistency, that same Koran denounces rape, except in the event of mitigating circumstances, namely the woman’s religion: The Koran encourages the rape of non-Muslim women, according to more than one source, including http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.australian/browse_thread/thread/74aa640b4928eaaa, which cites a number of verses to support that view.: “Koran clearly sanctions this. No Muslims can deny these verses. They are called “ma malakat aymanukum…. The Koran verses are: 23-6, 33-50, 33-52, 33-55, 70-30.”
That sanction and that crime against the Afghani girl and what they say about Muslim thought are interrelated with our wars in the Mideast.
As the war in Iraq seemingly winds down toward a victorious conclusion and as the companion war...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama's Friends
THE INAUGURATION PART IV: What You Won’t Read and See on the MSM
Before we’re all caught up in the heady thrill–and propaganda–of the inauguration and the new administration, some perspective is in order. I’ve seen and read articles that are so effusive over Obama and this Age of Change that I was beginning to wonder if I watched a different inauguration and whether all I know about the true Obama and his Obamaniacs was misconstrued.
Then I regained my senses and realize it is not. (See the 50 or 60 previous articles on him on this site.) I’ve seen the man–and he is just a mortal man, contrary to widely reported information–a man extolled for his countless virtues, his elegance, his unflappable demeanor, even for his handwriting skills by Wolf Blitzer.
However, behind the facade, behind that screen, is simply a man, a flawed man like all of us, and his true skills or lack thereof will be seen even on the world stage soon enough. As of now, barely 24 hours into his reign, he can only be judged by his administrative designations and by his executive orders which suggest he has not fully thought through his decisions, (Gitmo), but will follow through on his planned policies to make free and unfettered abortion the law of the land: http://www.lifenews.com/nat4559.html.
Considering the limitations imposed by a paltry day as opposed to the lengthy four which lie ahead, all we have with which to gain a measure of Obama, (aside from his recorded history, of course), is his friends and his supporters. If in any way we are known by the friends we keep, Obama’s friends give cause for trepidation.
One group of friends, (May we call them FOB for Friends of Barack?), was gathered on the Washington Mall as still-President George W. Bush arrived at the inauguration on Tuesday. I would hope that others in the horde of millions who attended the event were not nearly as disgracefully disrespectful as this contingent: http://www.wjno.com/cc-common/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=244038&article=4878923.
In the event that video is mysteriously removed from the website of WJNO.com, it depicts a group of blacks hooting, howling, and chanting derisively at Bush. Another video also captured the former president’s helicopter departure: http://www.mydd.com/story/2009/1/21/12149/1143.
But, okay, one or two malcontented groups do not an audience make. Then again, those are simply the only groups who have made it to the Big Time.
Another malcontent, ...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Obama's Gay Agenda
Obama’s Gay Agenda
“President Barack H. Obama is poised to be the most pro-homosexual chief executive in history:” (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=42233)
“While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.”– Barack Obama, June 1, 2007
Faithful to that promise of candidate Barack Obama, President Barack Hussein Obama has begun dismantling America’s social foundations with plans to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as well as changing other established policies with regard to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) communities. These are outlined in a detailed posting on the White House website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/civil_rights/.
Headed with the above 2007 quotation by Obama, under the category, “Support for the LGBT Community,” the plan incorporates efforts to:
Expand Hate Crimes Statutes: . . . President Obama cosponsored legislation that would expand federal jurisdiction to include violent hate crimes perpetrated because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability. . .
Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. . .
Support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act . . .
Oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: President Obama...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
“President Barack H. Obama is poised to be the most pro-homosexual chief executive in history:” (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=42233)
“While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.”– Barack Obama, June 1, 2007
Faithful to that promise of candidate Barack Obama, President Barack Hussein Obama has begun dismantling America’s social foundations with plans to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as well as changing other established policies with regard to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) communities. These are outlined in a detailed posting on the White House website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/civil_rights/.
Headed with the above 2007 quotation by Obama, under the category, “Support for the LGBT Community,” the plan incorporates efforts to:
Expand Hate Crimes Statutes: . . . President Obama cosponsored legislation that would expand federal jurisdiction to include violent hate crimes perpetrated because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability. . .
Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. . .
Support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act . . .
Oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: President Obama...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inaugural Uglies
THE INAUGURATION: PART II–Obamanians Rip Our President
Heaps of stories will be forthcoming about this inauguration, its aftermath and its repercussions.
News reports will be filled with hyperbole such as one WABC reporter’s reference to Obama’s inaugural speech as “stirring,” when in fact it was anything but stirring and was punctuated by a frequent pauses as the new president seemed waiting for applause, and none came.
The massive crowd missed its applause lines until the end when screams and howls filled the air but the day is far from over. The applause will continue and swell tonight at the ten inaugural balls being held around the capital as Obama supporters continue their revelry throughout the night.
Presidential inaugurations are somewhat like college commencements when speakers extol the graduates and extend fatuous encouragement for their futures before all head out to commence their careers, filled with infused courage and optimism.
One difference is that the swearing in of a new president and his first address as America’s leader, along with the attendant invocation, prayer, poetry and song, represent an opportunity to fill the American citizenry with hope and confidence as we embark with the president on the next four years.
Inauguration Day 2009 accomplished little of that. The invocation was worthy of the occasion but, following that, the prayer, poetry, song, and Obama’s speech were filled less with hope and good thoughts than they brimmed with insulting rhetoric, uninspiring verse, and failed pretensions to greatness.
Reverend Lowery’s line verbally spanking white people, almost half of whom had voted for a black man was the worst of the lot, although Alexander’s lame effort at an inspiring poem and Obama’s disappointing attempt to be a new Lincoln or JFK weren’t far behind. His speech was devoid of a single memorable phrase and he even fumbled his “oaf” of office, Senator Dianne Feinstein’s word.
Wall Street caught the word about the future by going into a freefall. The Dow lost 332 points, the worst Inaugural Day performance in history.
Behind the public scene, there were health scares with Ted Kennedy’s post-luncheon seizures and Robert Byrd’s premature exit. Earlier, Hillary Clinton and Senator John Cornyn had a heated, gesticulated “discussion” beneath a statue of George Washington, http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0109/Clinton_and_Cornyn_wrangle_in_Rotunda.html.
Not to be outdone in the inappropriate department,...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Reflections on the Inauguration
Just some musings on the big event that is to occur in the nation’s capital on January 20th, 2009:
…..The oft-heard expression, What would Jesus have done . . . can be applied to Obama’s record-splitting, $170,000,000 inaugural festivities and based on President Obama’s abortion record alone, I’m guessing He wouldn’t show up even if He were invited. If He did grant an appearance, He may ask Obama how many poor that 170,000,000 would feed, clothe, and shelter.
…..Abraham Lincoln no doubt would have gotten an invite but honest-to-a-fault Abe, Obama’s presidential hero and model, should be the last person to be invited. As Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald has pointed out, Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, was adamantly opposed to mixing races and believed African Americans were inferior. Maybe he could be assigned a seat in the back somewhere?
…..Obama may show the world how much he believes in change by showing up at one or more of the dozen or so inaugural balls tie-less, maybe even shirtless to show off his abs as he did on that Hawaii beach last month. The man repeatedly proclaimed he wanted a still undefined “change” so this would be a great way to get the change-ball rolling. Instead of top hat and tails, this could be Obama at the planned at the “Hip Hop Inaugural Ball” at the Harman Center:
…..Last we heard, Obama’s half-bro, George Hussein Onyango Obama, is still eking out a meager survival on $2.00 a month in his shantypad outside Kenya’s capital and will probably be a no-show in D.C. He will just have to be content with having a mention in Barack’s autobiography as a “beautiful boy with a rounded head.”
…..Rev. Jeremiah God-Damn-America Wright will be in attendance, however, since now there’s no need for the pretense that he and “Barry” have been on the outs. The charade need not be continued that Obama and family sat in the pews of Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years and never noticed Wright was an America-hating fruitcake. The election is over and Jeremiah is free to crawl out of his rathole and resume dissing America. . . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Just some musings on the big event that is to occur in the nation’s capital on January 20th, 2009:
…..The oft-heard expression, What would Jesus have done . . . can be applied to Obama’s record-splitting, $170,000,000 inaugural festivities and based on President Obama’s abortion record alone, I’m guessing He wouldn’t show up even if He were invited. If He did grant an appearance, He may ask Obama how many poor that 170,000,000 would feed, clothe, and shelter.
…..Abraham Lincoln no doubt would have gotten an invite but honest-to-a-fault Abe, Obama’s presidential hero and model, should be the last person to be invited. As Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald has pointed out, Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, was adamantly opposed to mixing races and believed African Americans were inferior. Maybe he could be assigned a seat in the back somewhere?
…..Obama may show the world how much he believes in change by showing up at one or more of the dozen or so inaugural balls tie-less, maybe even shirtless to show off his abs as he did on that Hawaii beach last month. The man repeatedly proclaimed he wanted a still undefined “change” so this would be a great way to get the change-ball rolling. Instead of top hat and tails, this could be Obama at the planned at the “Hip Hop Inaugural Ball” at the Harman Center:
…..Last we heard, Obama’s half-bro, George Hussein Onyango Obama, is still eking out a meager survival on $2.00 a month in his shantypad outside Kenya’s capital and will probably be a no-show in D.C. He will just have to be content with having a mention in Barack’s autobiography as a “beautiful boy with a rounded head.”
…..Rev. Jeremiah God-Damn-America Wright will be in attendance, however, since now there’s no need for the pretense that he and “Barry” have been on the outs. The charade need not be continued that Obama and family sat in the pews of Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years and never noticed Wright was an America-hating fruitcake. The election is over and Jeremiah is free to crawl out of his rathole and resume dissing America. . . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
George Obama,
Rev Wright
Monday, January 19, 2009
Forrest Gump Attacks Mormons on Prop 8
I confess that I don’t know an awful lot about Mormons aside from the fact most of them live in Utah and, except for small bands of renegades, they gave up believing in polygamy over a century ago.
I’m not even certain they were ever true polygamists since by definition that word refers to the practice of having more than one spouse and, as far as I know, Mormon women weren’t permitted multiple husbands although the men folk could have as many wives as they could handle without the question of bigamy or trigamy entering the picture.
Personally, I think one wife is more than sufficient but that’s not the issue. I do agree with a Dutch proverb which holds, To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness.
Point is, if Mormonism didn’t permit women to wed and bed more than one hubby, were Mormons ever true polygamists? I feel there should be a better term since polyandry, if not strictly forbidden, was certainly not encouraged.
All that aside, the vast preponderance of Mormons today are married to one spouse. They seem to be a very industrious group as well as clean people, much like President-elect Obama was considered a clean African American by Vice President-elect Joe Biden. They also seem to be very religious people, I’d have to say an offshoot of Christianity but still Christians.
On and prior to November 4th, 2008, they demonstrated that religious fervor by generously funding the drive to pass California’s Proposition 8. That initiative was innocuous enough, a re-affirmation of the obvious, namely that a marriage consists of one male and one female, and not any other combination thereof. In any event, Proposition 8 passed in very left wing California and by a substantial majority which re-affirmed my fervent hope that Americans, and Californians, hadn’t gone totally off the deep end of common sense and of fundamental morality.
That passage, however, infuriated the gay community which was incensed that American citizens had exercised their constitutional prerogative and had endorsed the time-honored principle that a male wedding another male or a female wedding another female, or a guy marrying his pet frog, were distortions and aberrations of the institution of marriage, notwithstanding the views of the State of Massachusetts.
Gays went on a national rampage of protests, intimidation, and violence to show they disagreed with the Californian electorate. The rampage got them nowhere except free water and cupcakes when they demonstrated outside Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.
So, the protests petered out and homosexuals regrouped and probably began planning their next effort to overturn the majority beliefs of Americans in 2010.
At this point, Forrest Gump entered the picture...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
I confess that I don’t know an awful lot about Mormons aside from the fact most of them live in Utah and, except for small bands of renegades, they gave up believing in polygamy over a century ago.
I’m not even certain they were ever true polygamists since by definition that word refers to the practice of having more than one spouse and, as far as I know, Mormon women weren’t permitted multiple husbands although the men folk could have as many wives as they could handle without the question of bigamy or trigamy entering the picture.
Personally, I think one wife is more than sufficient but that’s not the issue. I do agree with a Dutch proverb which holds, To marry once is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness.
Point is, if Mormonism didn’t permit women to wed and bed more than one hubby, were Mormons ever true polygamists? I feel there should be a better term since polyandry, if not strictly forbidden, was certainly not encouraged.
All that aside, the vast preponderance of Mormons today are married to one spouse. They seem to be a very industrious group as well as clean people, much like President-elect Obama was considered a clean African American by Vice President-elect Joe Biden. They also seem to be very religious people, I’d have to say an offshoot of Christianity but still Christians.
On and prior to November 4th, 2008, they demonstrated that religious fervor by generously funding the drive to pass California’s Proposition 8. That initiative was innocuous enough, a re-affirmation of the obvious, namely that a marriage consists of one male and one female, and not any other combination thereof. In any event, Proposition 8 passed in very left wing California and by a substantial majority which re-affirmed my fervent hope that Americans, and Californians, hadn’t gone totally off the deep end of common sense and of fundamental morality.
That passage, however, infuriated the gay community which was incensed that American citizens had exercised their constitutional prerogative and had endorsed the time-honored principle that a male wedding another male or a female wedding another female, or a guy marrying his pet frog, were distortions and aberrations of the institution of marriage, notwithstanding the views of the State of Massachusetts.
Gays went on a national rampage of protests, intimidation, and violence to show they disagreed with the Californian electorate. The rampage got them nowhere except free water and cupcakes when they demonstrated outside Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.
So, the protests petered out and homosexuals regrouped and probably began planning their next effort to overturn the majority beliefs of Americans in 2010.
At this point, Forrest Gump entered the picture...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
I must today pay homage to the greatest American who has ever lived, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
I personally did not decide that Rev. King was the greatest American who ever lived. That decision was rendered by our federal government in 1983 after 15 years of agitation by Rep. John Conyers, (D. MI), agitation which began four days after King’s assassination in 1968: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/mlkhistory1.html.
A number of states resisted the designation of an MLK holiday, including the last holdout, Arizona, which ultimately, like other states, conceded to protect its tourist industry after threats to bury said industry by MLK -holiday supporters.
All that unpleasantness aside, the third Monday in January has been designated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. That is a unique honor since Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and even FDR and JFK have been mushed into a generic “President’s Day,” celebrated some time in February of each year.
Martin Luther King, Jr. remains the only American who has ever lived who has been honored with a national and state holiday. That must obviously mean he was the greatest American who has ever lived, no?
When do the blockbuster King sales begin?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Abortionist Joy over Obama
Abortionists Must Be Delirious with Joy over Obama Prospects
I can’t say I’ve ever met a happy leftist nor a happy pro-abortionist. Of course, those categories invariably overlap since I’ve never met a leftist who wasn’t pro-abortion and vice versa.
It’s understandable that those of a leftist bent are rarely if ever happy people considering that their entire social/political philosophy revolves around negatives: anti-Americanism, anti-freedom, anti-truth, and anti-life. They are adept at feigning happiness but fail to fool anyone, especially themselves.
Those most committed to abortion rights, aka committed to destroying pre-born life, are easily the most miserable lefties. Yet, they don’t know it. The women of the left have killed untold numbers of their own pre-born children and many, such as Whoopi Goldberg, are astoundingly proud of their actions.
Whoopi is a star in Abortion World. She not only has aborted six of her babies but is so stinking proud of that dubious achievement that she wants reverence for the leftist sacrament that is abortion: http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2007/10/whoopi_goldberg.html.
With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, however, the pro-aborts have many valid reasons for elation,. . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Teen Sexing Via Texting
As if today’s parents didn’t have enough to worry about, the latest method teens have to drive them loony and send them to counselling or to Tough Love sessions is sending nudie pictures of themselves to girlfriends, boyfriends, classmates, in fact, to the internet universe, although they may be unaware of that last exposure.
Using cell phones while driving and texting while driving are madnesses associated with somewhat older teens who, for some inexplicable reasons, including having passed useless driver ed courses, are granted license to drive on America’s roads and highways.
The younger set, maybe a year or so away from that opportunity to cause vehicular mayhem and, too often, death or maiming to themselves and innocent victims, have discovered their own vehicle of rebellion via cell phones.
Kids between aged one and eighteen have never been known for discretion. Some would say that outside age limit extends to thirty, in some cases. Way back when, teenie indiscretions meant wearing lipstick and makeup and “making out” under the grandstand at high school football games. Closer “back when’s” involved more intimate behavior but still was conduct confined to one, or two, or a few significant others.
For the past year or so, based on news reports, young teens have been letting their raging hormones soar to new, and perilous, heights, letting it all hang out, figuratively and literally.
From Cincinnati comes this story. . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
GWB, Waterboarding, and America's Future
And so the end is near for George W. Bush’s two terms as President of the United States, after eight years of uneasy peace and bloody war, of unprecedented economic success and financial meltdown, of consolations and controversies, of applause and derision.
All in all, and regardless of distorted and biased reports from the liberal mass media, Bush 2 hasn’t had all that bad a run.
Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard listed Bush’s ten greatest achievements, citing as his first accomplishment his refusal to buy into the Kyoto Accords on the man-made global warming fraud, a policy which our new president will no doubt reverse to the great detriment of the United States. That Bush decision must be considered a very notable if only temporary accomplishment because of that anticipated reversal.
However, Bush’s second great success, according to Barnes’ estimation, should be at the top of any list of GWB’s great deeds.
As Barnes writes of Bush’s second great achievement, ”Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We’ll never know. But, as Charles Krauthammer said recently, ‘Those are precisely the elements which kept us safe and which have prevented a second attack.’ " (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/986rockt.asp).
One of the few who were subjected to waterboarding was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, “mastermind” of 9/11, . . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
And so the end is near for George W. Bush’s two terms as President of the United States, after eight years of uneasy peace and bloody war, of unprecedented economic success and financial meltdown, of consolations and controversies, of applause and derision.
All in all, and regardless of distorted and biased reports from the liberal mass media, Bush 2 hasn’t had all that bad a run.
Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard listed Bush’s ten greatest achievements, citing as his first accomplishment his refusal to buy into the Kyoto Accords on the man-made global warming fraud, a policy which our new president will no doubt reverse to the great detriment of the United States. That Bush decision must be considered a very notable if only temporary accomplishment because of that anticipated reversal.
However, Bush’s second great success, according to Barnes’ estimation, should be at the top of any list of GWB’s great deeds.
As Barnes writes of Bush’s second great achievement, ”Second, enhanced interrogation of terrorists. Along with use of secret prisons and wireless eavesdropping, this saved American lives. How many thousands of lives? We’ll never know. But, as Charles Krauthammer said recently, ‘Those are precisely the elements which kept us safe and which have prevented a second attack.’ " (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/986rockt.asp).
One of the few who were subjected to waterboarding was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, “mastermind” of 9/11, . . .
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Okay, technically that’s not news but, considering the ongoing and discredited hysteria over global warming, it should be.
Globalwarmists who profit from said hysteria, such as Al Gore and his global- warming compatriots, attribute extreme cold to, what else, global warming, just as they attribute hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados, floods, as well as tooth decay and male impotency, to global warming.
Of course, Al won the Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his various efforts, including his schlockumentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” so that must mean he’s an expert. Then again, Yassir Arafat won that same Peace Prize and Michael Moore won an Oscar so consider the context of those awards. Also consider my previous post on this topic, http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=722, “The Nobel Prize for Politics,” which provides an update on the globalwarmist charlatans.
If nothing else, we have to admit that those charlatans are dogged, braving on amidst every reasonable observation...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
In this corner, the contender weighing in at 135 pounds out of New York City, Anorexic Ann Coulter! . . . In the far corner weighing in at 152 out of the Windy City, Mighty Michelle Obama! . . . Now, shake hands, ladies, and have a good fight!
The Coulter-Obama drama hasn’t quite come to fisticuffs, at least not yet, but if it ever did, I’d have to give the edge to Michelle. If it came to a no-holds-barred debate, I’d go with the feistiest and more acerbic, Ann. If it came down to mud wrestling, I’d bet on a draw.
Ann is on a tear lately–as if she’s never on a tear–with her latest book, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and their Assault on America. How she and others, liberals and conservatives, regularly churn out lengthy, researched volumes is mystifying to me, but they do and Coulter does it best when it comes to piercing the liberal jugular and making them yelp.
In her latest, Ann takes aim at, among other liberal targets and icons, the soon-to-be First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Robinson Obama. Never one to pull her punches–Coulter has been called a flame thrower, a bomb thrower, and a dervish as well as being the object of uncomplimentary epithets–Ol’ Annie is taking on a formidable foe this time.
Calling a spade a spade, which term has no racial implications, certain topics in these, the free and semi-independent United States, have been tacitly declared off limits by the powers of political correctness. Those topics would include casting aspersions, whatever their merits, on the state of Israel, on homosexuals, and on Blacks.
It’s still perfectly PC-fine to rip Christianity and, especially Catholicism, to criticize straights who find the gay lifestyle sick and disturbing, and to attack those who point out the extent of Black crime. We of the faithful opposition say bunk to all that! All religions and nations, peoples, and races are flawed. We take issue with the current antipathy in some quarters to Christianity, to America, and to Caucasians.
We are not the religious bigots, the straight bigots, nor the racial bigots. We just demand that our voices be heard in an increasingly liberal, leftist America. If our opposition is interpreted as prejudiced or homophobic or racist, then so be it. Sooner be regarded as bigots by the true agents of bigotry than be regarded as the generation that surrendered to the forces of the actual bigotry and intolerance and to national and moral degradation.
White, Christian, heterosexuals are fed up with all that and we want, we demand as the majority constituency in America, that it be rectified.
Ann Coulter does not accuse Michelle Obama of any of the above nastiness,...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
“I had thought it was simple.” Thus said the 20 year old brother of a 14 year old Afghani rape victim after being arrested for using a razor blade to abort his sister’s baby: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41777.
The young girl had been raped by a construction worker and had the misfortune of residing in an orthodox Islamic community where an illegitimate birth meant that she and her family would be treated like pariahs. So her brother, Ali, took her to a cowshed and, as her mother helped restrain her, used the razor blade to slice open her womb. He removed the baby, buried it, then stitched up the wound with coarse string used to tie potato sacks.
Ten days later, she was taken on a 30 mile donkey ride to a provincial hospital suffering from infection and later, to protect her from family and community members, was evacuated to Bagram Air Base where she remained in critical condition.
Although such lurid and grotesque tales are not unheard of in Western, generally Christian, societies, they rarely if ever result from religious motivations. More likely it is a jealous rival or a psychotic, wannabe mother who would perpetrate such acts. Sharia Law, however, if strictly interpreted, condones measures to atone for the shame visited upon a family by the sin of being a rape victim.
The other side of the Koranic coin, the rapist’s side, ...
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Friday, January 9, 2009
“Burn in hell.” “Consider yourself lucky. If I had a gun I would have gunned you down along with each and every other supporter.” “I just wanted to call and let you know what a great picture that was of you and the other Nazi’s [sic] in the newspaper….Don’t worry though, we have plans for you and your friends.”
The above are just a few of the threats received by supporters of last November’s Proposition 8 in California as reported by CNSNews.com: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41735.
The reader may recall that Prop 8 was a proposal to amend California’s Constitution to protect and insure the sanctity of marriage with these 14 words: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Amazingly, especially for liberal Californians, the measure passed resoundingly by a margin of almost 600,000 votes, or 52.3 % to 47.7%.
(Lest anyone think the Left-Coasters were in a Yea-happy, conservative mood on November 4th, five other propositions went down to defeat of the twelve on the ballot, including Proposition 4 which would have mandated parental notification before aborting a minor’s baby and Prop 5, designed to beef up law enforcement: http://vote.sos.ca.gov/Returns/props/59.htm http://vote.sos.ca.gov/Returns/props/59.htm.)
That should have been it, right? The people had spoken, loudly and unambiguously through a fair and valid constitutional initiative and voted against homosexual marriage in the state of California. Unfortunately, that did not put an end to the controversial movement to permit same sex couples to marry; it was just the beginning.
Immediately following passage, gays took to the streets to protest the measure, protests which are entirely legal and permissible in our great country. What wasn’t legal and permissible was the nature of those protests, detailed previously here in various articles, including this piece which recounts the despicable abuse of straight rights in the name of gay rights: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=645....
(Read the rest of this article at http://genelalor.com/.)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
No one can ever accuse the government of the United States of having an excess of either intelligence or discretion.
The World Trade Center hasn’t even been rebuilt, in fact it’s far from being re-built, yet our State Department in 2008 extended invites to 3400 residents of nations deemed state sponsors of terrorism to come on in!
Out of a total of 50,000, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Sudan have been allotted thousands of what are called “diversity visas” furnished to nations with low immigration numbers so that they can beef up their emigration to America. The program was mandated by our Congress and implemented by our Foggy Bottomites: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41385.
Nowadays, it’s considered un-American to question the value of further diversification of our population despite any number of studies, and common sense, that indicate such programs are counterproductive and serve to undermine our national integrity.
Whether termed diversity or by its companion buzzword, multiculturalism, the idealistic concept and its implementation have been shown to function not as an enhancement of our melting pot of peoples but rather as a divisive construct, the effects of which is a balkanization into enclaves of foreigners who speak a language other than English and continue foreign practices, traditions, and cultures rather than seeking absorption into our general population.
See this analysis, “The Absurdity of Multiculturalism,” by Ralph S Musgrave, author and social commentator, http://ideas.repec.org/e/pmu56.html.
Writing principally for a U.K. audience, he thoroughly debunks the fatuous, and perilous, underpinnings of a theory much in vogue today but which actually serves to divide, not simply to diversify: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=41385
We are a nation built on immigration and we need to grow if we are to maintain a viable workforce and our international preeminence but, as Musgrave clearly demonstrates, too many of today’s new arrivals have little interest in becoming a part of their host nations. In America, too few have any interest in becoming part of our monoculture, without which we will devolve into chaos.
That said, an even faster route to devolution is these relatively new diversity visas. It’s one thing to foster new immigration from Canada or Western Europe, at least until those nations are overrun by the forces of Islam. It’s quite another to invite citizens of designated terrorist nations to flock to our shores, take up residence, and possibly to conspire and damage our nation.
There is little empirical data that specifically proves that “diversity visas” have contributed to domestic terrorist activities but a continued influx of immigrants from nations that are known to have engaged in worldwide terror is an obviously senseless national policy. The Cubans, Iranians, Syrians, and Sudanese who settle in the United States may very well be outstanding people but why, a mere seven years after the horror that was 9/11, are we inviting potential problems?
The notorious “Fort Dix Six” are cases in point of the dangers of over-multiculturalization. Six Islamic terrorists/illegal aliens/immigrants, were apprehended and tried for plotting to slaughter soldiers at New Jersey’s Fort Dix military base. Five were found guilty, one plea-bargained out, all were Eastern European Muslims allowed entry to the country by our lax immigration policies and even more lax immigration enforcement: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/illegal-alien-sentenced-for-plotting.html.
Their conspiracy may have succeeded if not for an alert store clerk and provisions of the Patriot Act which allowed the FBI to surveil and ultimately to arrest and successfully prosecute the conspirators.
The primary proponents of multicultural diversity, liberal Democrats, despise that same “discriminatory,” “invasive,” and “un-American” Patriot Act. The accompanying video on the above GatewayPundit link, features Democrat Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid bragging, “We killed the Patriot Act.”
The beautiful Lady in the Harbor, the Statue of Liberty, has, for more than a century, extended a welcome to immigrants to America, a welcome unprecedented for any nation on Planet Earth:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
I suggest that when those tired, poor, huddled, homeless, wretched, tempest-tost masses become a dangerous and retrogressive diversification, even Lady Liberty should lower her lamp and say, “Enough is enough! Slam that golden door shut!”
It’s time to close our borders while we still have borders and before the next Muhammed Atta sets up shop here.
diversity visas,
Fort Dix 6,
Statue of Liberty,
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